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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Concise and Complete

I read the coolest thing on a blog today.  Did you know that Hemingway wrote a complete story of only 6 words?

For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.

I'm sure I'm revealing just what an amatuer I am, but that is just so masterful!  I'm totally in awe!

I was talking about this very topic today to my girls while we were doing our Bible Study in Mark 3.  The section we went through today was about Jesus calling his disciples.  (Got some WAY COOL insights as we talked through this, but I'll only share the one that deals with this topic and save the others as blog fodder for later.) 

In this section, it mentions that He called James and John the Sons of Thunder.  I had always just assumed that it was what Zebedee (the name of their actual father) meant because they mention it so often.  But I failed to realize that it gives the specific name in Greek, "Boanerges," so Jesus was actually calling them by a nickname based on their personalities.

I know that's sort of a small thing, although I think it's kind of cool that Jesus had nicknames for his loved ones just like I do, but what it made me think about is how specifically the Bible was written.  Everything in it has a specific purpose; there's nothing excessive and nothing missing. 

It is exactly as concise as it needs to be, yet it adds "Boanerges" for folks like me who need to remember that our Redeemer is personal enough for nicknames, and adores us just as much as He adored those Sons of Thunder when He walked the earth.

So what truth has the Holy Spirit impressed upon you lately?

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