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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Starting Over . . .

A new chapter, a new beginning, direction, path . . . it all means the same thing, starting over. 

Those words can hold such depth of fear - fear of failure, the past, the unknown.  But they can also inspire empowering energy.

Sometimes they hold within them an insinuation that something has ended or failed, but it doesn't have to be that way. 

In my case, I'm trying something new.  I am attempting to begin a literary career.  Seriously, the writing is not the problem; (Gosh, I hope there aren't any typos on this page!)  I'm just not sure how to become a part of a society like this without having spent my adult life in it's pursuit.  And I haven't  been pursuing this; I've been teaching and raising children and running businesses and volunteering and supporting my hubby and his ministry and our church . . .

Now, it's not like I don't regularly write, I do and have for decades, but my writing has always been either for my own enjoyment or for a particular purpose, like short skits for children's ministry, or musical scripts, or essay and research paper examples for my students. 

This new beginning, though, is going to force me out of my comfort zone - that place behind my little laptop that allows me to stay with people I know well and indulge in those things I like to do and do well.  It's going to require that I step into this society - writing groups, clubs, and hopefully, (if I can raise the funds) some writer's conventions - on my own, a unique experience, since I have a full house with 4 kids, 2 dogs, and a few fish.

But I'm ready.  In fact, after several days of research about this, I'm downright excited!  Join this adventure with me!

So tell me, what New Beginning are you leaning toward or have you experienced  recently?  What about it makes you nervous?

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