Most of the time, I use interesting architecture, but this car just stands out. Is there anyway anyone would miss this car coming down the road or mistake it for another car? I confess, I'm not a car-watcher. (Well, the occasional 'Stang or Jag, but I digress.) Even I would have no trouble at all identifying this car. And I won't even touch the fact that the makers dubbed it "Smart."
This car could really mean trouble for someone in a story. Imagine what would happen to it if a bear took a liking to it? No, strike that. No one would be so "smart" as to take this car to the woods. How about a train missing it by inches because it tucked in its booty. (Well, it looks like it tucked it in to me!) Speaking of booty, maybe it could double as a futuristic pirate's chest. Okay, I'm grasping at this point.

Still, I plan to have fun with this car - well, as you can see, I already have, but I intend to have a little more fun with it. Maybe I'll have my main character find a body in it! That sounds intriguing ...
Oh, and just in case you're curious--putting 2 and 2 together from yesterday's blog article--no, this is not my new car. I'm claustrophobic, and me getting into this hot, tiny space felt like stuffing a teddy bear into a Hot Wheels!
So what would you do with this car that's called "Smart"? I want to hear your idea, and then, why don't you go ahead and write up the story?
Hey there M: Good to see you on Blogspot and I can't wait to read more.
See you soon, I hope, Old friend.
Oh thanks for giving a holler, Margo. I was talking to Mom about you just the other day! So good to see you, my friend!
Wow, I'm excited to read your future blogs...also, makes me think this is something I should do...for years people have been telling me I should write a book...maybe this would give me a start....love you blog and look forward to reading more. How often will you post???
I usually post every weekday - typically late. This walk as a writer is a new one for me, but I've learned so much! I highly recommend it! Thanks for stopping by and chatting with me!
Every time I see one of these cars, I expect to see someone's feet underneath, Flintstones style, running like crazy!
Hehehehehe! I can just picture that, Tiff! Thanks for sharing!
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