ROAD TRIP - This blog is making a change of venue - a switch of setting! Hopefully, the trek will be seamless, but you'll want to change your bookmarks! The new URL is

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mystery in the Making

I usually have a post during each week where I show a different place and discuss its merits as a setting for some story.  I realize, though, that I've never explained why I do it.  I mean, I like getting the pictures of interesting places on my blog, but that's really not the reason.

I'm pretty visual and seeing new places helps me put the people in them and imagine the situation that might be happening around those people.  Now I usually stick to the mystery/suspense stuff and maybe a little romance here and there, but sometimes these new venues just jump out at me with totally new possibilities.

Take this one for instance: can someone see a thriller here?
This bad boy is a highlight at The Rainforest Cafe in Grapevine Mills Mall.  Going there for lunch is a treat anytime and when my dinky twinkies (Texas Sassy for twins) turned 10, at trip to this place was part of their celebration.  This big fella was at the edge of our table.

Nope, not a dramatic bone in their bodies!
During working ours, the animals are all on timers and will alternate their "performances." In fact, I think their little performances vary in activity and length, but I can't remember really well.

Getting past the horror story that first started slithering in my minds direction, I started thinking about this place like a Night at the Museum situation, where the animals are all released during the overnight hours.  I could imagine maybe an escape into the mall, with the elephant getting caught in a doorway somewhere or feasting on peanuts at a snack stand.  Monkeys could go wild in a lingerie shop or the lion could destroy the stuffed animal aisle of a toy store.

On second thought, I like the idea of having a murder at the feet of Mojo, the monkey-man. Ooo, and maybe the murder weapon could be wedged into Mojo's hand. That could be fun and open the door to all kinds of crazy conclusions! A strangulation at the feet of the elephant that stands across the room, or an attack with a claw hammer in front of the lion's habitat could also be an effective grabber, but my mind just works in murder.

What if a real animal found itself amongst the fake ones. I could fancy a nice children's story in this habitat, maybe with some guiding mice?  That said, there was NO indication of anything of the sort, mice or otherwise, at this marvelous restaurant.  The food was delicious and the atmosphere sensational!

What does this place do for you?  Share your first impressions whether you think of yourself as a writer or not!

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