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Friday, June 10, 2011


I can find myself all over this cartoon by Gary Larson! I'm the geek in the skirt (without the beard!) who misunderstood the directions - again! I'm also the appalled woman standing next to the geek with her mouth hanging open at the audacity of the man to show up at a formal event dressed so shamefully! I'm even Jacob the Stutterer, who's so stinkin' excited to get out the news that he double clutches every other word.

This cartoon just delights the tar out of me!

As I look at it, though, the actions of the people with the branches aren't so unlike the actions of the guy in the skirt - well ... except for the skirt and the belly hanging out over it. The people that gathered on that amazing day when Jesus came back to Jerusalem were cheering him on.  It was an ancient parade, for pity's sake.  I liken it to our reaction to a rock star or even the enthusiasm of a sports event.  Seriously, when was the last time you cheered at a sports event?  (Mavs won!  I was hollering!) Next question: when was the last time you cheered at church?

Was that a cricket?

I'm not pointing fingers! On the contrary, I wish I was bold enough to act on the excitement I feel sometimes during worship, but my church just isn't big enough to cover my embarrassment if I started whooping. I'd rather just sit in the back and be as inconspicuous as possible. Shame on me!

I'm not sure the guy in the picture has the wrong idea at all!

What are your thoughts? Are you inhibited when you worship corporately or would such emotion make you uncomfortable?

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