So she texted me that God really humbled her during today's performance. It took some time to get the entire story, because her phone only allows her a few texting characters at a time. I expected her to tell me that she had made a mistake in her solo or speaking part and I was primed for encouragement, but I was way off!
Well, not way off! She did make a mistake - her voice cracked. She was also upset over how some singers were forgetting their words and speakers were going too fast to be understood. She said she was self-focused as they ended, but that then she had to shed her feelings as they mingled with the people that were there.
Right away she met a couple who had met at Dallas Christian College. They had been missionaries through their lives and had now come home to say goodbye. Goodbye? I had to wait a full ten minutes for the next installment.
The man has cancer and in my precious redhead's words, "While I was worrying about my song, this man was living through some of his last moments on earth watching a new generation carry on his mission."
I'm in total awe! I could barely respond to my P.R., heck I could hardly see the screen through my tears. And it's not just my P.R., all of these kids are so turned on for Jesus it's amazing! They will endure 34 hours of travel, 11 performances, sleeping in homes that have extra beds or corners, and do it with sincere and complete joy.
That is the Body of Christ at it's best!
"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of of faith." Hebrews 12:1
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